(So I had this post ready and scheduled but in the meantime David Bowie died. He was a man who got successful by being himself at a time when being different was so difficult and socially unaccepted. He became a legend and inspired so many people, with his appearance, personality and career. Be yourself and don't be afraid. It's not my place to talk about him so this is where I stop.)
Happy new year! I hope all of you are well and spent quality time with your loved ones and friends. Like I said, I'm skipping the whole new year new me lies, I don't wait for the new years to set goals and I'm not using it as an excuse. My lovelies if you've been keeping up with my social media you know I've been struggling with my makeup. Actually, you know I've been getting better at it. So the idea is to get somewhat decent and show the rest of you the struggles. Because yes, the makeup artists and our fav youtubers make it look so damn easy, but it's a miracle if the eyeliner is straight for me. So I thought I'd go for the step-by-step for us not gifted with miracle hands at my youtube. I mean, you gotta have some fun with it and do an epic mess before you get where you want.
About the dress: Love the quality, love the colour but I need to remove some layers before I can wear it outside. I didn't alter it yet, this is the dress as it came. I felt like a giant walking wedding bonbonnière (hence the title). ChiChi London Clothing has amazing occasion dresses and I swear by their quality. You can see two more dresses I got from them, they all have outstanding quality and they made me stand out in a good way (Rebel Royals, Sun Goes Down). They also have big sizes and petite! So no matter your size you will surely find something! Also, the bracelets I am wearing are from Ashley Bridget store. Also high quality, actually they surprised me with their quality! I thought they'd be your average overpriced jewelry store but no, they have awesome variety and good quality.They also ship very fast and will respond to anything you ask on twitter! And they have a massive 60% off using the code "YOU60" so run! My hair!I never thought I'd be able to curl my hair successfully. This needs a post on it's own really, but you can find my tools at IrresistibleMe.

Dress: c/o Aime ChiCHi London Clothing
Bag: H&M (love at first sight and not available anymore soowy)
Bracelets: c/o Mother-Daughter Collection Ashley Bridget (This now belongs to my Mom <3 )

When you want to be angry with what he said but it was actually funny.

Oh Romeo Romeo where are you lost now...?

I love this bag <3